Kia EV9 owners manuals

Kia EV9

Kia EV9 specs

Model overview

The Kia EV9 is a highly anticipated all-electric mid-size SUV that is set to revolutionize the electric SUV market. It combines cutting-edge technology with Kia's signature style and performance. 

The EV9 comes in rear- or all-wheel drive and features three rows of seats, making it a family-friendly option. It offers a spacious interior with comfortable seats, and the power-folding third row adds to its versatility. The EV9 has a towing capacity of 5000 pounds and a range of 230-304 miles per charge. It can be fast-charged in just 13 minutes, and its average fuel economy ranges from 80-89 MPGe. 

The EV9 is equipped with advanced features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and automated parking assistance. It is powered by a 99.8kWh battery that offers power and efficiency, with an advertised range of up to 359 miles between charges. The EV9 also has bi-directional charging, allowing it to power appliances. Kia has prioritized sustainability in the design of the EV9, using leather alternatives, recycled plastics, and other plant-based materials. 

Kia EV9 known problems

Some of the common problems or complaints owners have about the Kia EV9 are:

  • The base model comes with a smaller battery
  • Single-motor performance will be poky
  • Not a great option for buyers who need to tow often

Kia EV9 PDF owner manual

On this page you can find the owners manuals for the EV9 model sorted by year. The manuals are free to download and are available in PDF format. Is is recommended to check the owners manual corresponding to the correct year of your Kia EV9 to solve the problems or to get insights about the car.
Posted by, John Mana author bio image
A passionate guy about car models, makes, and manuals.

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