Mercedes-Benz EQE owners manuals

Mercedes-Benz EQE

Mercedes-Benz EQE specs

Model overview

The Mercedes-Benz EQE is a battery-electric vehicle made by German carmaker Mercedes-Benz Group. It belongs to the Mercedes-Benz EQ family and was released in 2021. 

The base trim is the EQE 350, with a power of 215 kW (288 hp) and a range of up to 660 km (410 mi). The next trim, EQE350+, is powered by a single electric motor mounted on its rear axle, delivering 288 horsepower and 391 pound-feet of torque. Mercedes claims this trim accelerates from zero to 60 mph in 5.6 seconds on has an estimated top speed of 130 mph.

More trims are said to follow later, including a 4Matic AWD dual-motor setup with a power output of 500 kW (671 hp). The Mercedes AMG EQE for the U.S. market is the same EQE 53 4matic+ sold in Europe.

Mercedes-Benz EQE's known problems

Some of the common problems or complaints owners have about the Mercedes-Benz EQE are:

  • Inferior driver-assist features 
  • Not as enjoyable to drive as other EV
  • Navigation system's oddities
  • Not as well-rounded as EV rivals

Mercedes-Benz EQE PDF owner manual

On this page you can find the owners manuals for the EQE model sorted by year. The manuals are free to download and are available in PDF format. Is is recommended to check the owners manual corresponding to the correct year of your Mercedes-Benz EQE to solve the problems or to get insights about the car.
Posted by, John Mana author bio image
A passionate guy about car models, makes, and manuals.

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